
Skin Tightening

It depends on the type and cause of wrinkles, your skin type and if you are willing to compromise your outdoor exercise for a week or so.

Many patients who exercise are thin, and have volume loss in the face, resulting in deep wrinkles. Volume enhancing fillers may work better than laser for those facial wrinkle types. There is no need to avoid outdoor activity with dermal fillers. Laser treatments will improve fine lines and brown spots. Outdoor exercise at dawn or dusk can be resumed within a week depending on which laser you choose. To maintain laser results, fanatic sun protection is key. Thread lift is also an option for skin tightening.

To identify the right laser treatment for your skin, you can book a consultation with Dr. Nivedita Dadu. Many med spas offer free consultation with staff who may not be qualified enough to diagnose, discuss & treat your concerns. It is important to analyze the skin because not all laser types suit all skin types.

It is a non-invasive treatment that uses the Radio frequency  laser to tighten and firm stretched and aging skin.The laser wand  heats the collagen fibres under the skin causing the skin to tighten and promoting further collagen production. There is no risk of skin damage, and with no downtime, this is fast becoming one of the most popular procedures worldwide.

The skin tightening procedure begins with an individualised consultation  with Dr. Dadu to assess the treatment area and suitability of the client. An individual program is tailored to your needs, with treatment beginning immediately after the consultation. The treatable area will be wiped down and protective eyewear given before the skin tightening treatment commences. The laser wand is gently moved   back and forth over the treatment area until the required temperature is reached. You may feel some warmth on the skin, but the treatment process is virtually painless, with minimal downtime.

Usually the treatment time varies from patient to patient. Your consultation is usually immediately followed by your first treatment. There is minimal downtime, so you can usually return to work soon after treatment. You may be a little pink or red directly after treatment, but this will usually subside within hours post treatment.

Both men and women notice the signs of aging as we get older, including fine lines, sagging skin around the eyes, neck and chest. However, since the skin tightening procedure aims at stimulating your own natural collagen production; those who have ageing skin will respond better than those with no problem at all.

Laser Skin Tightening is a non-surgical and natural alternative to cosmetic surgery. You can expect to see immediate results, without any of the lengthy recovery time and bruising usually associated with surgical face lifts. And your skin’s elasticity will continue to improve for following few months due to the stimulated collagen production and deep hydration that can be expected with laser skin technology. While the procedure cannot dispatch excess skin, you will experience significant skin tightening in the treated areas resulting in a firmer, healthier-looking complexion with less wrinkles overall.

We will provide you with the necessary pre and post treatment advice to minimise risk of any complications.