
Vitamin A and Its Skincare Benefits

Vitamin A & Its Skincare Benefits

We all know that vitamins are good for our body functioning and skin health as this has been imbibed in us since childhood. We are all taught that vitamin consumption benefits us by helping in the proper functioning of our body. But a lesser-known fact is how this molecule benefits our skin when applied topically. In this blog, we will be discussing how vitamin A is beneficial for our skin.

Vitamin A derived skincare products or retinoids are available in various forms and benefit our skin health. Retinoids, when applied topically majorly helps in the following:

  • Accelerating the cell turnover rate and hence helps in exfoliation of dead skin cells. Thus it imparts glow to the face and reduces pigmentation by forming new cells at a faster rate.

  • It also helps in reducing acne by reducing sebum production and controlling oil production in the skin.

  • It increases collagen production and hence, reduces open pores.

  • It helps in cell proliferation, therefore, reduces signs of aging like fine lines and wrinkles.

  • It also increases blood flow and blood vessel production.

Retinoids are a family of skincare ingredients that are related to vitamin A. We all must have heard about them and in fact used them at some point in our life. Especially for acne, retinoids are highly recommended. These retinoids work by converting into retinoic acid which is their active form and which binds to receptors and work to treat the concern by turning on the expression of genes that build protein like collagen, elastin, hyaluronic acid.

Certain vitamin A based retinoids are available immediately over the counter whereas others are available only if prescribed by a dermatologist. Retinoids are a broader umbrella that is divided into following main categories. These are:

  1. Retinols
    These are readily available over the counter and have a very low concentration of the active ingredient which is retinoic acid. Whereas retinoic acid has the highest concentration of the active ingredients. Depending on the concern and skin type it is advised by the dermatologist accordingly. Retinols are generally present in the serums and creams that can be used regularly for antiageing which gets converted to retinaldehyde and then retinoic acid after its application on the skin. Hence, these take time to show results and are least irritant. These are completely safe to use for sensitive areas like under eye and improve fine lines and wrinkles as well.

  2. Retinaldehyde
    As this directly converts to retinoic acid hence takes lesser time than retinol to show results and even the irritant factor is less as compared to retinoic acid. But it is not easily available as it is not stable for a longer period of time.

  3. Retinyl palmitate
    A weaker retinoid that’s a combination of retinol and palmitic acid (a fatty acid). It’s less likely to be irritating (making it a better choice for more redness-prone skin types) but results will be slower. It’s often included in products to support the activity of other performance ingredients such as vitamin C, glycolic acid and hyaluronic acid.

  4. Retinoic Acid
    Retinoic acid is generally prescribed for conditions like acne which is the most concentrated form. But this doesn’t imply that retinoic acid is the only solution for all conditions. Retinoic acid reflects immediate results, but it is a prescription-only medicine as it can worsen the condition in terms of irritation and redness if not used properly. Hence, never use it without consulting an expert dermatologist.

Now let's understand which creams to use for which concern.

  1. Fine lines and wrinkles
    Retinols and retinaldehyde being less irritant can be used for fine lines and wrinkles on the face and under the eye. These can be used for a longer period of time and might yield results slowly.

  2. Pimples or acne
    Retinoic acid or tretinoin works faster and can be used for acne to give quicker results. They can be a little irritant also. They help in reducing sebum production and killing off acne bacteria effectively. This can lead to dryness and irritation at times so always consult a dermatologist on how to use it as depending on the concern they can be used on a single pimple by spot application or on the full face to increase cell turnover and cell proliferation if required.

Things to remember while using retinoids

  • Always use them during the night. These molecules can break on exposure to UV radiation of the sun and can cause redness and irritation.

  • As it helps in increasing cell turnover, always apply sunscreen the following morning.

  • Never use retinoids if while pregnant, lactating or planning to conceive,

  • Retinization- Always start with lesser quantity and one can even mix it with your moisturizer to avoid any irritation, dryness, and flakiness initially and let the skin get used to it. With time one can increase the quantity of the product as per dermatologist's recommendation.

Retinoids are completely safe for all age groups. These are generally prescribed to teenagers for acne and for women above 25 years of age to slow down the aging process of the skin. If followed under the supervision of an expert dermatologist it helps in maintaining the health and youthfulness of skin. Always consult an expert and start benefiting from vitamin A derivatives- Retinoids.

Keep Healthy! Keep Glowing!