How to avoid extreme dandruff in winters?

Are you suffering from the problem of dandruff and dry scalp? Then let me tell you that you are not alone facing this. Dandruff in winters is something that many of us experience. The unwanted tiny skin particles that usually appear on the shoulders and the clothes are annoying and embarrassing as well. Dandruff is caused by the dry scalp in winters that has the tendency even to look and feel itchy. All of these are the combination of various things such as dry and cold air, hot water showers, hormonal imbalance, vitamin deficiency, etc. 

If you are looking for a full-proof treatment of dandruff, then you need to use the right hair care products that are great in doing this job. Also, you would need to make some lifestyle changes too. It is recommended to indulge in some hair care so you can ensure that your scalp always stays very clean, healthy, and hydrated. Causes of dandruff involve hormonal imbalance and long-term illness. Changes in hormones can be a contributing factor for dandruff by affecting the normal sebum production of the scalp. Certain long-term illnesses which weaken the body’s immune system or certain medicines like antiepileptics can also trigger dandruff. Using incorrect or too many hair care products like hair wax, hair styling gels, sprays, and certain shampoos can also trigger red and itchy scalp

Below are some of the things that you can practice to get rid of the dandruff problem at home. 

  • Changing the diet- a good number of vitamins and minerals in the diet will help you get rid of the problem of dandruff significantly. For example, Vitamin B, Zinc, and Omega 3 are great sources of nutrients in your diet. Foods that you can include in your diet are bananas, spinach, fish, fruits, and salads, etc. 
  • Reducing sugar intake- sugar is not only harmful to your skin but it is very harmful to your hair and scalp as well. A very high level of sugar in the blood usually causes a high number of oily flakes, thus increasing the amount of dandruff in the winters. Therefore, reduce the intake of sugar and you can substitute it with honey or jaggery. 
  • Home remedies: Applying a few drops of lemon juice 5 minutes before washing hair can be beneficial in controlling dandruff. 

In case home remedies are not working opt for the right anti-dandruff shampoos. Look for ingredients like ketoconazole, zinc pyrithone, selenium sulphide in your shampoos. In case of severe dandruff conditions, keratolytic agents like coal tar, salicylic acid-based shampoos can be used. These will help to dislodge the dandruff flakes from the skin and help remove it further. Always consult your dermatologist before using any of these medicated shampoos. Read the labels correctly before purchasing the shampoo and follow the instructions correctly. Consult your dermatologist for the right advice if it is not improving as it might look like dandruff and could be some other issue like Seborrheic Dermatitis or Psoriasis. 

Dandruff is a very common and well-known problem that most of us face. You can easily manage it with a proper diet plan, some natural home remedies, and the right hair care routine. Please feel free to consult our dermatologists in Delhi at Dr. Nivedita Dadu’s Dermatology Clinic for the right diagnosis, resolving underlying causes, and the right hair care plan. 

Keep Healthy! Keep Shining!

TagsHow to avoid extreme dandruff in winters?